This function calculates a reference grid for each fitted result in an
aba model based on specified parameters (see emmeans::ref_grid
for examples).
The predictions and standard errors from the fitted result are also included
in the grid by default
- model
aba model. The fitted aba model on which to compute a reference grid.
- at
named list of vectors. A named list where the name is a variable in the model and the value is a vector of values which should be included in the list.
- expand
character vector. Variables in the model for which all observed values of the variable should be included in the grid.
- reduce_fn
function. Any variables not in
and not inexpand
will will be reduced based on this function. The default ismean
, where only the mean value of these variables will be included in the grid. However, the reduce function can just as well return multiple values from a custom fn: e.g.function(x) { seq(min(x), max(x), length.out=10) }
will include 10 values in the grid spaced around the min and max.
# get data
data <- aba::adnimerge %>%
AGE > 20,
YEARS_bl <= 3.5,
DX_bl == 'MCI'
#> Error: object 'YEARS_bl' not found
data_bl <- data %>% filter(VISCODE == 'bl')
#> Error in attr(data, "tsp") <- c(start, end, frequency): object is not a matrix
model <- data_bl %>%
aba_model() %>%
set_outcomes(ADAS13_bl, CDRSB_bl) %>%
) %>%
set_stats('lm') %>%
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'data_bl' not found
model_grid <- model %>% aba_grid(at = list('AGE' = c(70, 80, 90)))
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'model' not found
# All observed values of 'EDUCATION' will be included in the grid
# For all other vars ('AGE'), a 4-val seq spaced from min-max will be included
model_grid <- model %>% aba_grid(
expand = c('EDUCATION'),
reduce_fn = function(x) { seq(min(x), max(x), length.out=4) }
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'model' not found